Saturday, May 25, 2019

"Happy Birthday" song

At a big intersection near my old apartment building here in Hamburg, there used to be several traffic signs in the shape of an arrow, each of which pointed in a different direction. One of the signs announced that downtown was south. Another sign said that a small town, Wedel, was west. But the sign that would often grab my attention when I would walk by was one that pointed east and said "Berlin."

This particular sign stood out to me because when I would walk past it, it would remind me that, in fact, I lived in Europe and that Berlin -- Berlin! -- was only a two-hour car ride away.

It's really easy to forget sometimes that I live in Europe; it's easy to forget how cool that is and how fortunate I am. But whenever I have these sudden realisations, like with the sign, I love it, because during such moments, I'm really able to feel my life, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, I mentions these "Wow, I actually live in Europe" realisations not only because they're interesting, but also because I had another one this morning.

Because today is my birthday -- Yes, yes, thank you, thank you.'re too kind... -- one my friends sent me a What'sApp voice message in which she sang "Happy Birthday." Fine, OK, but see, this friend of mine is German, and the words, as she sang them, had the sweetest imprint of her German accent on them. And in hearing that accent, I again had to pinch myself. Why? Because this is my life and I live in Europe. Wow.

Thanks for all the good times, everybody. Let's have many more.


"Happy Birthday," as sung by my friend.

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