Friday, October 30, 2020

Chess Against the Computer

If methadone is a substitute for heroin, then playing chess against a computer program instead of playing chess against people online is my methadone. 

Anyone who knows me knows about my obsession with and downright love for the game of chess. But I really can't play chess online anymore. Doing so chews up too much of my time. I get too excited, and I find the thrill of competition addicting.  

Hence, the computer. These days, I force myself to play against a computer program instead of engaging in "the real thing." Against a computer, I can actually pull away. Sure, I'm playing chess, but, sans human, much of the thrill gets taken out, and there isn't that same addictive quality. After all, I'm not beating a living, breathing person—someone out to destroy me, just as I'm out to destroy them—I'm just beating a computer. 

Anyway, I mention all this because below is a really nice game I recently played against the computer. (I have the white pieces.) My "opponent" was "rated" 2000, which is pretty high.  I think I did a good job. Enjoy.

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