Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Score Will Follow

How is he able to bring his score up so high? What am I not doing right? Christ, I've been playing chess for how long now? 20 years? I mean, my score is OK, around 1800 on and 2000 on lichess. I suppose if you put those two together it would be 1900. And 1900 isn't that bad. I could definitely live with 1900. But what I don't understand is, like, when I'm not playing that well, and my score is around 1800 or less, well, that is not that far from what my score had been when I wasn't studying to the extent that I am now. I don't know. I probably shouldn't get that discouraged. I mean, if you think about it, for as long as I could remember, I wasn't able to get anywhere near 1800. Now, 1800 is the score that I have if I'm not playing well. Still, I feel like my score should be higher. I mean, look at some other players that I know. They have super high scores. But, then again, I don't know what they did to get those scores, how much time and effort they invested. Remember, you played for so many years. You didn't necessarily study. You should focus on quality. You should focus on the quality of your games and the depth to which you can understand certain positions. Don't worry about score. Score will follow. 

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