Friday, June 18, 2021

Interior Monologue on the Way to (and at) the Dog Poop

"Can you watch her?"

"Yeah, I'll watch her." 

"She'll probably stay with you." 

Yeah, she always stays with the person who's got the stick. But she did go after me that other time. Well, it doesn't sound like she's going after me. Is that a hornet? Holy shit, that thing looks big. Better not make that thing angry. I'm glad I went swimming. Weird how that can make you feel better. Should probably shave now, too. My beard will be softer. Yeah, shave and then a shower. It's the best time to do it. It's funny how when I was writing about song lyrics before, I wrote them down how I heard them, not how they really are. But who cares, though. If that's how I heard them, then that's how I interpret them. Who cares what the author wrote. And, anyway, "all but love is dead" is so much better than "all but life is dead." Why would he have made it "all but life is dead"? What could that mean? No, no, all but love is dead. 

Let's see. Where's the shit? There's no way I'm not going to find it. Ah, OK. Eww, flies are on it already. Well, of course, what do you expect? Flies eat shit. They have their purpose, too. I hope I don't get any flies in the doggy bag. No, I think they all flew away once I came. Yup, there we go. Don't want to leave any poop on these people's property. Wow, I feel a lot better after swimming. But I should shave now. It's the best time. Beard is soft. 

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