Tuesday, March 05, 2019


Every so often in life, I am humbled by something. Such was the case yesterday after I asked my aunt a question. I'm not going to say exactly what I had asked her, but it was a question about a person, whether she thought a person was something. Truth be told, I was expecting my aunt to answer one way for sure. In fact, she perhaps has more reason to answer in the way I had expected than I do. But she didn't answer the way I had expected. Here is what she wrote:

I don't think I would use that exact word. I don't like to label people so harshly. We can discuss it if you want to. [This person] has bad traits and good ones like all of us do.   
Love you much, 

And once I read that, I knew she was right. It was a bit of wisdom that she just imparted, and I just had to accept that I had been humbled.

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