Thursday, June 27, 2019

"Kasimir Tidies Up"

I love how paradoxical learning a language is. What I mean is, one might think that to learn a language one would need all kinds of fancy books. I don't think so. Whenever I want to improve my German vocabulary, actually, I pick up a German-language childrens book. Below are some words that I wanted to learn, or at least had to look up, when I recently read "Kasimir Räumt Auf," or "Kasimir Tidies Up." Enjoy.

Stach, spike; Besen, broom; im Nu, in a flash; stöhnen, groaned; ächzte, groaned; du hörst schlimm an, you sound bad; brummte, growled; einschlafen, to fall asleep; im einzigen Schrank, in the only cupboard; mürrisch, grumpy; seufzen, sigh; Kaminsims, mantle; stürzte hinunter, fell down; knipste, snapped (a photo); stellte, placed; fuhr vor, pulled up; Glücksklee, four-leafed clover; schnaubte, sniffed; steckte, stuck; verschwand, disappeared; besorgte sich, arranged for, Pinsel, brush; Walzen, paint roller; runzelte, wrinkles; Diele, foyer; quetschte sich, squeezed by; scheußlich, atrocious; trugen, carried; fort, gone; gerecht, fair; fädeln, to thread; Schnur, string; wickelte, wrapped; Plätzchen, cookies. 

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